
HPV could also cause cancer. It will cause the change of the cell structure and transform it to become cancerous.
Almost all cervical cancer is associated with hpv,50% of oral cancer, 65% of vaginal cancer, 35% of penile cancer, 95% of anal cancer and about 60% of oral pharyngeal cancer (which is the cancer also responsible for the tongue and the tonsils). There is no way to find out who will go on to develop cancer or other problems such as warts after getting infection with hpv and who will not.
According to recent available data rates of HPV-related throat cancer had risen 225 percent over years. Throat cancer is more common in men and women. There are different theories such as female genital may spread Human Papillomavirus in to the mouth more readily than male genital, since vagina contain more body fluid than the penile shaft were virus could reside. However, we have higher death rate related to cervical cancer in female compare to throat cancer in the U.S.

There are more than 100 different type of HPV; however, most oral cancers result from HPV-16. There is Pap smear in female to test for HPV, but there is no easy test to detect oral HPV.
If you see any suspicious growth discoloration, non-healing sore or any type persistent lesion more than 2 weeks then get it evaluated by experienced physician.

Cancer Prevention
It is the best method to fight against it because once you get the cancer it is going to be much harder to eliminate it.
There are several method to prevent HPV related cancer as follow:
Pap smear
Pap smears:
are primarily for evaluation of cervix such as detection of cervical cancer or any abnormality. This would not tell you if you have external genital, anal or perianal warts or not.

There is HPV DNA test for female cervix. It could be perform at time of pap smear or just separately. Primarily there are 2 types of HPV DNA test to this date, HPV high risk or HPV low risk. Doctor will specifically ask the lab to perform each of these tests.
The report comes in group; it means result will tell if patient has high risk group or low risk group or both or none.
If your test became positive for High risk HPV then you will be at higher risk to develop cervical cancer, however, it is not 100% shot. It means that patient could have high risk HPV and never develop cancer and it will go away on its own.

Anal Pap smear:
It is similar to Pap smear but will be check the cellular level of anal area.

It is an important aspect of cancer prevention or detection, suspicious lesion needs to be presented to an experience physician.

Suspicious lesion will be biopsied by MD and will be sent out to the Lab for evaluation by pathologist. Pathologist is a physician who evaluates tissues under microscope and report back if cancerous.



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